Monday, September 29, 2008

False Confidence

When I was emailing everyone I know to ask for their vote for the baby bump contest, I told Little Sis that I felt like I was running for class office again. I guess this attempt resembles my run for 10th grade class president, not 9th grade.

Yes my friends, I have experience in begging people to choose me over other contestants. In 9th grade, I ran for class president, and won! I won despite the fact that the popular kids didn't know I existed. I won because I was friends with all the little people. Great, now I'm offending my childhood friends by calling them little. But come on, you've got to know that we were known as the geeks, right? Well, we were. But I won anyway!

In 10th grade, I was confident that the people would call me to be their leader yet again. But alas, I was running against the hottest hottie in school... Zach Something. And man, was he sizzling! For my skit, my friends and I did a dance to La Cucaracha. Mr. Hottie Pants didn't prepare anything - he just showed his chisled features on camera and asked for votes. Vote we did. And my creativity was no match for his striking jaw line and dashing smile. I wouldn't be surprised if all my girlfriends voted for him instead of me. Heck, maybe I even voted for him! No one can be sure.

I should have learned from that experience never to run for anything again. I should have acknowledged my lack of popularity and allowed myself to morph into a wallflower. But no, I entered the radio contest. And I lost. And now, if you'll excuse me, I shall eat my feelings in the form of chocolate ice cream.


Quela said...

You totally should have won! You were the hottest pregnant girl in the contest. Me and my little self voted for you. It must have been rigged!

Like sisters musings about life... said...

Oh man! Meili I think that there must have been some hanging chads or something..because I totally voted for you.... I demand a recount! Dont feel bad though, I tried to enter Steve in "Best dad of the year" award in Baby Talk Magazine (when Karly was little), and lost to some guy who was serving in Iraq and another guy who had cancer. I couldn't top that with my healthy non american hero husband...Oh well. (I even made my old college professor read my entry as to not offend the entire literate world) I still think you pic was the best!

Emily Ortiz said...

Cute baby bump!

Jill Johnson said...

Have you tried Nutella? It is a yummy way to drown your sorrows! I think you should have won.

Sarah said...

At least you ran. I never ran for anything (even as the "cheerleading mascot" in Jr. High which I KNEW only one person was running for and there were two open positions). Why? Because they would see my name and be like "maybe we should only have ONE mascot..."

And, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I voted for you. I tended to vote for people who looked LESS popular SLASH chisled than the others.

Sarah Garner said...


I think I'm having sympathy pains... excuse me while I inhale a gallon burnt almond fudge

Brit said...

Nugent. I'm ashamed I still remember his last name

kenzie said...

Meili, you are way fiercer in the stylish/gorgeous pregnant woman department. I can't believe you didn't win!

Diane said...

You were anything but a geek. And what a gorgeous pregnant momma you are not.

Rachel said...

I think the contest was rigged. We should make sure that the winner isn't having the child of one of the radio hosts...

Sarah Garner said...

Hey, maybe you should run for President... you're probably more qualified than either candidate...

I'd vote for you!

Heather B said...

Another stunning picture! Who could have beat you? Someone with a bigger mailing list? What a punk.

Todd, Katie & Averi said...

Your belly looks so cute! I wish my belly looked like that!

Habs said...

Ha Ha. It was Zack Nugent! He was so delicious. I remember sitting behind him in American West class and drooling. I'm sure I still voted for you though!

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