Friday, February 19, 2010


My friend Sarah, a sassy fellow redhead whose blog posts I always look forward to reading, recently pointed out to me that she missed my blogging. I have been absent. Not because I've been doing anything significant, but quite the opposite. I haven't blogged because I haven't been able to squeeze any ounce of creativity out of the life I've been living for the last couple of weeks. My life can pretty much be described by the current state of my night stand. Sippy cups. Cheerios. A baby monitor to keep me company during my workout and my shower. A stack of books awaiting my attention. (Is there a happier sight than a stack of unread books? Oh, the possibilities...) Water reminding me to stay hydrated before, during and after my daily run in order to hopefully avoid a migraine. And, of course, my #1 vice: hot chocolate.

Yes, my life is anything but notable. But today? Today I've been barfed on 4 times at last count. And that is blogworthy, no?

There really is nothing like motherhood. Have you ever had the contents of another human's stomach spewed all over your clean clothes, hair and skin, and not run screaming to the nearest nuclear washdown facility? If so, you must be a mother.

If you've ever spent an entire hour standing beside a crib in the wee small hours of the morning, shivering in your underwear, holding your breath, and hoping the crib's resident will just calm down and fall asleep, only to wake him up AGAIN by the squeaky floorboard near the door...

If you've ever used your own body as a shield for the barf, rather than have to clean curdled milk out of the carpet...

If you've ever watched episodes of Arthur, Barney & Friends, and Sesame Street back to back while sitting on a blanket on the floor, with a garbage can nearby in case of another incident...

If you've ever changed your own clothes and the clothes of a two foot tall human more than three times in one day...

... you must be a mother. Or a very good aunt.


Bundy Family said...

I'm so sorry that he hasn't been feeling well. I have to tell you how much I love your post about being a mother. Remember back your doubts and worries about being a mom and giving up the "worklife"? I love how you have found the joys in motherhood and are such a good mother to your little one.

Rachel said...

I'd go with the mother. I would ne'er use my body as a shield for the carpet in a barfing incident. But what I will do is sneak him candy bars when you're not looking.

Brit said...

you're such a great mom, Mei. So sorry for all of you that little guy has been sick. Hope it's a better weekend for you.

Megan said...

Isn't it amazing that your own kid's barf doesn't make you barf. If I'm around any other kid who is puking my gag reflex is out of control. Not so with my own babies. The same is true for poop:) Hope he feels better!

Julie Carlile said...

Yes the joys of motherhood! But it is so worth it. You can tell you love your little punk to pieces. You're a great mom Meili.

Sarah said...

I am, just ask my many neices and nephews, a great aunt. But would NEVER shield anything from barf (except myself) with myself. You are a kind and wonderful person. And someday when you tell Calvin he can't have the car because he's grounded or something, and he tells you you're the worst mother ever... you know this isn't true because of moments like these.

p.s. thanks for the shout-out.

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