Friday, October 10, 2008

New Find Friday: Strawberries with Sour Cream & Brown Sugar!

Technically, this isn't a new find, but I just recently rediscovered how yummy it is. My friend Stephanie introduced it to me a few years ago. As soon as you try it, you'll be hooked too! Just wash a bunch of strawberries, and put a dollop of sour cream and a spoonful of brown sugar on a plate, right next to each other. First dip the berry in the sour cream, and then in the brown sugar. I love how you can taste both the tart creaminess and the crunchy sweetness separately and together.


Megan said...

I think I'm going to go to the store. Do you have horrible heart burn yet? (From being preggo, not from the strawberries.)

Quela said...

OOOOooo, that sounds so good! I think I'm gonna have to try it.

Quela said...

Oh, and just so you know, Chettos and mustard. . . so good. Try it.

Heather said...

Chettos and must be crazy. Strawberrise, sour cream, and brown sugar, I was first introduced to this when I was young. I then started leaving out the sour cream part but perhaps I should try it again to remind myself of how good it is.

Brit said...

yes yes yes.....already a fan of that yummy treat!!

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