Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I'm trying to accept the fact that I didn't lose one pound in my 186 miles of recent training + 13.1 miles of racing. My body performed well and I set a new personal record. Isn't that enough? It will have to be.

I refuse to diet. I don't believe in diets in the long run. I know many people who have had great success on diets, temporary or enduring. But I would rather eat my own arm than count calories or fat grams or food points. So, with the guidance of a book called Intuitive Eating, I am trying to eat healthy foods when I'm hungry, stop when I'm not. Simple. (But still not easy.)

I took a week off after running the Hollywood Half, and that week turned into two. So I decided that, since I'm not particularly interested in registering for another race anytime soon, and I can't see a way to make regular gym visits work with my schedule, I am going to start and complete the P90X program. Two days down, eighty-eight to go, and I can't move my arms. Laughing hurts. The basher sat on my face today and it took me much, much longer than it should have to escape. I am trying to be happy and enthusiastic about getting up early every morning to complete my workout before my man goes to work.

My great-grandmother's 98th birthday is on Sunday. I'm trying to prepare my house for her party.

Little Sis is about to complete her first year of college at Southern Virginia University. I am trying to contain my excitement. She will spend the summer at home. I see a Downton Abbey marathon, frequent giggle fests, and a few family vacations in our immediate future, along with our favorite holiday: Sister Day.

I am trying to be more patient, more productive, and more positive.

And how about you? What are you trying to do?


Bundy Family said...

The Intutive eating book is good. Keep with the plan. Don't worry after 2 weeks your muscles will stop hurting from p90x. I did insanity which is the same workout but all smashed into 45 minutes. I felt awesome after a couple of weeks. You will too! Keep trying! I'm just trying to get through my pile of clean laundry to fold from three weeks ago and building.

Heather said...

Trying to do everything you are. Somedays it happens other days it doesn't but I am still trying!

Erin said...

I'm the same. I'm TRYING to work out on my lunch breaks and stay on Weight Watchers. NOT easy, but I'm getting there. I'm TRYING to keep a clean home, but it's hard with a little one around and working full time. The best we can do is try. As long as our children are happy and healthy, that's what matters most. :)

Brit said...

I'm trying not to be offended that my sister bought me some acne wash. I'm trying to exercise patience and love with my girls. I'm trying to figure out what to do with Della's diet. I'm trying to remind myself that I am a runner. I'm trying to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I'm trying to focus on what I have, and be grateful for it, and not be sad about what I lack. I'm trying to strengthen my faith

Lyndsie said...

I'm trying to remember that there's more to being a woman than just being a mother...that even if it doesn't happen for me that it doesn't mean I'm useless or "broken." I'm trying to get out of that mindset. I'm trying to ignore the "...and when are you going to have a baby? You've been married for 8 years!" remarks. I'm trying not to be so sensitive about it.

Oh and by the way...you're actually a really good inspiration to me...keep up the good work.

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