Sunday, July 19, 2009


You know how some delusional people think their kid is smarter than all the other kids? Well, those parents can kiss my foot. My baby can recite the entire alphabet! I wonder if it's too early to start filling out college applications...?


Sarah said...

And just LOOK at him smile at the camera afterwards. A "look at me, Harvard application board" kind of smile. LOVE IT.

Becky Rhead said...

My love for him just grew with this video.

Bundy Family said...

He is so cute. Such a happy baby. I'm so glad I got to see you the other day. How is house hunting going? Also I've updated my blog and created an new one to know when I've posted. Check it out.

Liesl said...

He is sooo cute!

suzanne cabrera said...

Oh my goodness. So, so smart...and handsome to boot!

Karla and Wayne said...

Soooo dang cute! And brilliant!
Thanks for sharing....

LeShel said...

your son is a genius!
Super cute

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