Friday, March 6, 2009

Old Man Hat

When the punk and I went to the mall today to kill an hour, I told him in advance that this was just a window shopping trip. No purchases today, except for maybe a Diet Coke. But when he saw this hat, he just had to have it.

"No, Punk," I said. "Window shopping only today, remember?"

"But Mom, I'm going to need a hat to cover my bald, white head when the sun starts shining and we are finally able to go for daily outings in the park!"

He won.


Emily said...

Oh my, that is just too cute!! He is getting so big! I can't wait to see him again soon!

Rachel said...

I tried to get dad to buy one of those hats, but he said no. Boo.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly stand it. You'd better get him and his sporting hat over here this minute!

Heather said...

Love the picture and especially the fact that he said his bald white head!

Josh said...

Next time tell Timmy Junior to get a freakin' job if he wants a hat.

Heather B said...

I'm glad he won, that's ADORABLE!! He's looking more like Tim every you hear that a lot?

Shelly said...

You know, my babies always won! Too cute!

DeDe said...

That hat is too cute! He's adorable!

salreem said...

What a great shot! He certainly needed that hat. He's sitting up in the Boppy looking like such a little man. I can't believe how fast he's growing.

Sarah Garner said...

The punk has good taste!

What a stinkin cute kids!!!

Bundy Family said...

My girls usually win those battles as well. I finally decided that I couldn't window shop anymore since my pocket book couldn't support those battles. Love the great find.

Melissa Edwards said...

Kids seem to have a way with getting what they want. You are in big trouble if it has started this early:). It is hard to say "no" to such a cute face.

Diane said...

You have lost control already. Oh well, just enjoy the ride. The hat is a great addition to an adorable baby.

Anonymous said...

The carp lips are super!

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