Monday, February 9, 2009

Mama Bear

When my friend BPG came to visit us in the hospital after the punk was born, she asked me if I had experienced the "mama bear instinct." I hadn't yet had the pleasure, and honestly, I didn't really think I had it in me.

Until now.

Yesterday, I was at a humongous family party with many people in attendance that aren't related to me, but to my cousin. My family and some cousins were sitting in a little nook, avoiding all the weirdoes that we didn't know, when a stranger came over to join us. She sat right next to my brother who was holding my little guy, and out of nowhere, she just reached over and took the baby! As she held him on her lap, my man, my brother and I exchanged alarmed glances. As I mouthed, "Who is that?!?" to my dad, my cousin said, "Don't worry. We know her." But that did not placate my shock. The strange lady just acted as if she were a part of the family while cooing to my precious bundle, but I was on high alert, and my man actually had to get up and leave the room so he wouldn't reach over and clock the woman. As the little guy started to become increasingly fussy, my man came back in and said, "I'll take him from you." He stood up and took the punk as the lady looked at him with surprise. I thought, "Really, Lady? You're surprised that the baby's dad is taking him from you, a crazy person with no social boundaries?" I breathed a sigh of relief as my baby was returned to his rightful owner.



Rachel said...
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Heather said...

Never had to experience it like that before but close to it.

Quela said...

This might have been my conversation with the lady..

"Hey, who's baby is that?"

Lady: "Uhhh, I don't know, but he's one of the family."

"Actually, He's mine thanks," (Here I'd grab the little guy back)"and I don't appreciate you just grabbing him without permission. I don't know you, you don't know me. Family Shmamily!"

Lady: "Oh, well my name is Janet, do you mind if I hold him?"

"Yes I do mind," (and turn around and walk away.)

At least in my head, that's how it would go down.

Like sisters musings about life... said...

At least she didn't stick her dirty (been camping and swimming in a lake full of fish and bear tinkle) finger into his mouth...seriously where is the commen sence these days?

Christa said...

Beautiful pictures! And I love the hair, it looks great on you!

Brit said...

dude I want to scratch her eyes out, and he's not even my kid!

Brian, Shanel, Taylor + Hudson said...

I seriously wonder if some people are built with out a sensour. I think most people wouln't be so forward. I still think you should have sluged her. Wait what if she reads your blog?

Diane said...

What an adorable picture. By the way, Jolayne is getting a copy of that YW video for you. I'll call when it is finished.

Sarah Garner said...

Next time that happens, plop down next to crazy lady get right in her face and proceed to poke and pet her and make crazy annnoying high pitched noises at her.

When she looks at you like YOU are crazy just reply, "Doesn't feel so good to have a stranger up in your business does it crazy lady?" Then grab the punk and get outta there.

Emily said...

That is such a cute picture!! And what a weirdo lady!!!

hoLLY said...

TOTALLY!! know the feeling!!!

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