Friday, February 13, 2009

Cue Music!

This morning I woke up to find that I had lost all my baby weight! About 9 weeks ago, right after my epidural wore off and I could feel my feet, I jumped out of my hospital bed and started doing jumping jacks down the hall. The she-power music that began after Reese Witherspoon exclaimed, "I'll show YOU how valuable Elle Woods can be!" started playing for me, and after about 45 seconds of hard work snapshots, I came out the other end a new woman, just like in the movies. My arms are toned, my bootie is tight, my stretch marks have disappeared, and the outie belly button I've always had is now an innie, worthy of appearing in a Victoria's Secret catalog!

No, not really.


Heather said...

I am jealous!!!

Habs said...

Are you serious? That is amazing. You must be working hard to get back in shape. WOW.

Meili said...

Okay guys, perhaps I was too convincing. I'm kidding!

Like sisters musings about life... said...

lol...You are so funny...I wouldn't doubt your story even a look great...Yummy enchiladas BTW!

Anonymous said...

Well I was thinking on Wednesday that you looked really skinny! HA! Nice Meili!

Anonymous said...

You're making a lot of people mad, ya know. Me included. Well...maybe just a little jealous.

Heather said...

It didn't even strike me as sarcastic because I wouldn't ever doubt that you had lost it all, Miss I run everyday just for the fun of it. In all reality you probably have lost it all and are saying you haven't because you wouldn't mind losing a couple of extra (not that you need to!)

Meili said...

I guess sarcasm doesn't work too well in print...

Rachel said...

Meili, no one ever knows if you're being sarcastic or not, it's something only relatives can pick up on.

You grew up with three younger brothers, and a sassy younger sister, of course no one can tell when you're being sarcastic.

Brian, Shanel, Taylor + Hudson said...

If it only happened that way life would be a happier place.

~Kreitzers said...

You are so witty and funny, I really enjoy reading your posts.....I should really comment more often I'm more like a lurker :)

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