Thursday, April 12, 2012

12of12: April (Thursday)

1. Making garlic parmesan breadsticks at 8 am. 2. Hot chocolate in my new mug. The boys had bagels and bananas in addition to sips of my beverage. 3. The punk tried to steal a breadstick while I was wrapping them up to take to our play date. 4. Friends! 5. I love rainy days. 6. I took a break from folding laundry to read a few books with my little buddy after his quiet time. 7. Smiley after nap. 8. The rain turned to snow this afternoon. 9. Four piano students. 10. Leftovers. 11. We danced while I sang I've Been Workin' On The Railroad... over and over again. 12. Bedtime routine with Dad, who flew home today.


Lynn Bell said...

I love the 12th of every month!

Laura said...

I love you piano key shot.

trulymegs said...

It was rainy at my place too, but it didn't turn into snow.

kylee said...

okay yummmmm. i want some of those breadsticks right about now. hot chocolate is the best on rainy days. okay, so maybe it's the best on snowy days but rainy days are a close second. i'm with you, i love rainy days too.

Maureen Olsen said...

The breadsticks were very tasty. I didn't realize you made them than morning!! I also love rainy days.

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